Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Happy Tuesday all!

Today, our plan is...

HW Check

Speaking & Vocab:

          Student One:
         (vitamin, reduce, bleed(ing), hurt, sore, physical activity)
         Student Two:
         (swollen, itch, bandage, temperature, stomachache, in shape, out of shape)

         Student Three:
         (cough, pills, laziest, fit, unfit, active, lose weight, gain weight)

         Student Four:
         (surgery, scar, allergic to, work out, couch potato, treadmill)

Grammar 1-1 Intro: Answer a question from Speaking & Vocab and highlight the verbs in your question and answer.

Why do some sentences have more than one verb? What do we call different kinds of verbs?

Notes on Grammar 1-1: Three Kinds of Verbs.

Grammar 1-1 Exercises #3 and #2

Engrade Check

Listening 1-1: "Staying in Shape"
          Dictation Exercise

Which speakers like to cycle? Where do they cycle to?
Who doesn’t like to go to the gym? What does she/he do instead?
Who enjoys running? And what do they say about it?
Which speaker’s way to “stay in shape” is most similar to yours? Why?

Write a paragraph about how you stay in shape (or don't! :p ).
- Use 12 vocabulary words from class today in your paragraph.
- Highlight or underline all of the verbs in your paragraph.
        - Make sure you have two negative sentences in your paragraph

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